regexp.onePassProg.Inst (field)
25 uses
regexp (current package)
exec.go#L430: inst := &re.onepass.Inst[pc]
exec.go#L445: inst = &re.onepass.Inst[pc]
onepass.go#L24: Inst []onePassInst
onepass.go#L213: prog.Inst[ix].Next = nil
onepass.go#L215: prog.Inst[ix].Next = nil
onepass.go#L216: prog.Inst[ix] = onePassInst{Inst: instOriginal}
onepass.go#L226: Inst: make([]onePassInst, len(prog.Inst)),
onepass.go#L229: p.Inst[i] = onePassInst{Inst: inst}
onepass.go#L237: for pc := range p.Inst {
onepass.go#L238: switch p.Inst[pc].Op {
onepass.go#L243: p_A_Other := &p.Inst[pc].Out
onepass.go#L244: p_A_Alt := &p.Inst[pc].Arg
onepass.go#L246: instAlt := p.Inst[*p_A_Alt]
onepass.go#L249: instAlt = p.Inst[*p_A_Alt]
onepass.go#L254: instOther := p.Inst[*p_A_Other]
onepass.go#L262: p_B_Alt := &p.Inst[*p_A_Alt].Out
onepass.go#L263: p_B_Other := &p.Inst[*p_A_Alt].Arg
onepass.go#L302: if len(p.Inst) >= 1000 {
onepass.go#L307: instQueue = newQueue(len(p.Inst))
onepass.go#L308: visitQueue = newQueue(len(p.Inst))
onepass.go#L310: onePassRunes = make([][]rune, len(p.Inst))
onepass.go#L317: inst := &p.Inst[pc]
onepass.go#L445: m := make([]bool, len(p.Inst))
onepass.go#L455: for i := range p.Inst {
onepass.go#L456: p.Inst[i].Rune = onePassRunes[i]
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